With Picquora's patented Visual Search technology (Artificial Intelligence based Search), dealers and consumers can simply start their replacement tire search with a tire photo. Automotive tire dealers or consumers looking to replace tires, simply grab their smartphone, point their camera at their tire, and snap a photo of the tire. Picquora's AI technology detects the correct fitment and guides the user through the product search process.
Research shows that, consumers still find it hard to shop easily for tires and are unsure whether they specified their vehicle trim correctly. Picquora's patented technology can read the entire sidewall including tire size, brand and DOT number in order to ensure safety and accurate fitment.
Whether its tires, apparel, shoes, accessories, or beauty products, Picquora’s AI Search is trained to recognize the product details in a very detailed manner. Sometimes, a picture is far easier to search on, instead of searching for it with keywords.
Recent studies show 62% of millennials want visual search capabilities more than any new technology. The digital experience provided to consumers is changing. People want their products faster with less time spent researching and more time buying.
Picquora's AI Search allows you to meet your customer’s expectations while reducing your time spent on marketing and optimization for keywords in searches.
Picquora is a pioneer in Visual Search Technology and improves your consumer's shopping experience thereby improving conversions and driving sales growth.
Contact us today to learn more. Email us @ contactus@picquora.com